Wireless Sensing going unlimited: nemi DAQ nano with Energy Harvesting

Energy Harvesting is a sustainable technology that generates small amounts of electrical energy from ambient sources for mobile devices. nemi DAQ nano takes advantage of this technology by using solar energy as a power source. This allows you to measure or monitor strain, displacement, crack widths, temperatures and much more wirelessly and indefinitely.

The power of Energy Harvesting:

At remote measuring points without a mains power supply, continuous wireless sensing and monitoring is often only possible with regular battery changes. This is much easier with nemi DAQ nano. Thanks to our highly efficient wireless technology nemi Link 2400 and the AEM10941 Energy Harvesting module from e‑Peas, nemi DAQ nano enables very long, under good conditions, even unlimited runtimes for wireless sensing.

Success story:

One example of the successful use of the nemi DAQ nano is the conversion of a wired press-in sensor from Primosensor into a wireless sensor with a solar panel, as shown in the video.

Conclusion: Benefit from the extensive possibilities of nemi DAQ nano. It offers connection options for a wide range of sensors, such as strain gauges, potentiometers, temperature sensors and much more. With the use of solar Energy Harvesting, nemi DAQ nano will be the product for your energy self-sufficient wireless applications. Get in touch with us!