Wireless Strain Measurements on Wind Turbine – Why should you stress yourself by constantly changing batteries?

Our customer was using a competitor’s product for strain measurement on wind turbines, and even large batteries had to be replaced very often. This caused high costs and annoyed the staff.

Our solution: nemi DAQ

Thanks to efficient radio technology, nemi DAQ’s internal battery already manages weeks of runtime for the same measurements, and even years with a small battery pack – with high data quality and only one necessary transmitter module.

The measurement setup:

A total of three strain gauge full bridges were mounted on the main shaft of a wind turbine – two for measuring bending moments and one for torsion measurement. The existing half bridges were supplemented by small circuit boards with resistors to form full bridges. With only one nemi DAQ, all three moment axes (both bending moments and torsion) can thus be measured.

Data from nemi DAQ is transmitted wirelessly via high-speed nemi Link 2400 radio technology to the nemi Connect receiver, which is connected to a Gantner Instruments Q-Station. The customer can retrieve and analyze the data in GI Bench.

Conclusion: With nemione, our customer is happy again and receives reliable data without worries.

You will find more information in the data sheets of multi sensor nemi DAQ and USB receiver nemi Connect or get in contact with us.