Why use cabled dummies when measurement data can be taken directly on the human body?!
You want to determine forces and accelerations acting on the human body on amusement rides or driving? For that you need:
- flexible and easy to install measurement equipment,
- risk-free attachments to the human body and
- high robustness against dynamic loads, magnetic fields, splash water and weather influences.
A chest strap and our wireless measurement technology make this possible. Simply attach our nemi G+ sensor to the chest strap and the wirelessly connected data logger nemi Log to the vehicle and you’re ready to go.

With that you profit from:
- very compact and lightweight components
- simple, fast and flexible assembly / disassembly of the measurement setup
- an uncomplicated handling with completely wireless sensor technology
- very long battery runtimes that make it possible to record many different measurements without discharging.
The entire use case document is available here: https://nemi.one/documents/nemione_UseCase_Detection-of-physical-stresses-on-the-human-body-in-amusement-rides.pdf
Further exciting use cases can be found at www.i4m-tech.de and www.nemi.one.