A measuring system for wireless monitoring of rolling element rotational movements that is completely encapsulated in a rolling element, including battery: i4M rises to every challenge!

We have integrated a sensor board with sensor and radio module and a power management board for inductive battery charging into a rolling element in a very small installation space. To reduce data overload and increase battery life, data pre-evaluation can take place in the rolling element using edge computing. Although the rolling element is fully sealed and surrounded by a lot of metal and lubricant in the bearing, our wireless measurement system provides reliable data. With our compact receiver nemi Connect, the data is transmitted to a PC via USB-C cable.

The entire use case document is available here: https://i4m-tech.de/documents/i4M_UseCase_Contactless-measurement-of-rolling-element-rotary-motion.pdf
Further exciting use cases can be found at www.i4m-tech.de and www.nemi.one.